Dear Dr. Jones,
I am thoroughly enjoying this written expression class! This course is very different from any class I have ever taken throughout my college career. I appreciate that this course allows me as a student to have the freedom to write openly about how I feel about specific topics relating to the world of education but also about my own experiences as I become a more developed writer. I love the concept of having writing conference groups. I find it very beneficial to have peers that I trust critiquing my work and giving me useful feedback on ways to improve my writing. These blogs provide me with the time to reflect on what I am reading and take note of any particular takeaways I want to remember to enhance my own writing development. The blogs also provide me with diverse ways to help my students become empowered writers.
I have never had the opportunity to really dissect all of the different genres. This class digs deeper on what it entails to write successfully in a number of genres. My favorite part of this class so far is the genre pieces project. It is amazing that I am given the opportunity to write about a topic that is actually important to me. I can’t recall a time where I have been able to write about something I am extremely passionate about since high school. Being able to take on different perspectives for this assignment truly has allowed me to see my chosen topic from multiple viewpoints. Lastly, I like that this class is providing me with tools specifically related to digital writing. Especially in today’s society, technology plays such a crucial role in a student’s learning process. It is beneficial to see the appropriate ways to integrate these online tools to enhance a student’s school experiences.
Throughout this course, I am learning more about my writing habits of mind. My metacognitive abilities have developed and strengthen throughout this course. Because of these blogs, I am able to reflect on my own thinking, more specifically how I have changed as a writer. I have also developed new rhetorical knowledge during this course. Now, I have more of an awareness on the purpose of my writing. While I am prewriting, I take the time to think about who my audience is and plan the context accordingly. I am also experiencing what it is like to compose in a number of different environments (Council of Writing Program Administrators, National Council of Teachers of English, & National Writing Project, 2011). Through the works of Hicks (2013) I am becoming more knowledgeable about what it takes to successfully create digital texts whether that be through web-based texts or online presentations. I have cultivated a number of skills and strategies that will allow myself to better explain to my students what makes an online text reliable or not. For example, the power of integrating hyperlinks within online texts that are not distracting but can provide readers with appropriate background information (p. 52). Another helpful example would be the tips provided on all the ways to make an online presentation ‘sticky’ or exciting for all viewers (p. 62).
All of the instructional strategies Tompkins (2019) offers throughout her chapters are noteworthy. Specifically, I found the revising and editing centers in chapter 1 to be engaging and innovative activities. These centers can hold students accountable for improving their writing within their own terms. I plan to add many of these given strategies or techniques to my strategy toolbox to use for future reading or writing lessons.
Denise Holmes
Council of Writing Program Administrators,
National Council of Teachers of English, & National Writing Project.
(2011). Framework for success in postsecondary writing.Retrieved from
Hicks, T. (2013). Crafting
digital writing. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Tompkins, G. E. (2019). Teaching writing: Balancing process
and product (7th ed.).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.